Bench Twenty Mile Farm Ale

Bench Twenty Mile Ale

Bench Twenty Mile Farm Ale

Bench Twenty Mile AleBench Brewing is a brewery in Beamsville, Ontario, using the approach of winemaking that is prevalent in the Niagra region. They have a great podcast of there beginnings and I encourage you to check it out.


The beer is named after Twenty Mile Creek when I first poured it into a mug and took the first sip I caught a whiff of something that I really didn’t like and it ruined the first sip I let it breath for a few seconds, took another sip and it mellowed out. This beer has a fruity aroma and had a nice clean crisp taste. I personally couldn’t get over that initial smell I will get another to see if it was a bad can. I still encourage people to try it.


Country:                               Canada

Alcohol:                                5.3% abv.

Rating:                                  6/10