Greene King IPA

Greene King IPA

Greene King IPA

Greene King IPA

Greene King Brewery has been brewing since 1799 in Suffolk, England. Greene King IPA is one of the best selling brands in the UK at this time and lets face it the British know there beer. Greene King IPA is a better India Pale Ale and has a %5 alcohol content. IT has a golden colour and is classed as a bitter beer which is a little more popular overseas then here in North America but is a refreshing change from alot of the macrobrewing behemoths that consider taste a byproduct. Anywho I digress. It is a little bitter but has a clean crisp taste while cold and also can be served warm like it is overseas. I definately recommend it for anyone wanting to try something a little different.

Rating: 8/10

Country: The United Kingdom

Type: India Pale Ale

Alcohol: %5