Hangover Remedies

Well obviously the best answer to a hangover is don’t let it happen. Hangovers are the universes way of telling you you are an idiot and you should’nt have done that. If you can remember that or how you got to where you did that and for that matter where the hell am I.

We have all been there and before your brain thinks of panicking about the fact that it wants to leak out of your head through the temples. And even before you start to panic that you have no idea where you are, who that other individual is in bed with you are why your back hurts from the tattoo you don’t realize you got. Here are a few things that may help you memerise them and fall back on these if you wake up with a hangover. As a drill sergeant I once knew said remember your training and you will get out of this alive. No matter how much you feel like dying at the time.

Things to do before you go out drinking.

– Drink lots of water before after and during your drinking morning/noon/night

– Eat something for heavens sake everyone reading this will recall when a friend has gone out on an empty stomach. The results are usually seared into everyones memories regardless of how drunk they were at the time.

– Take a multi-vitamin just like the doctor ordered always take your vitamins things like thiamine and vitiman C will help you(Thiamine also help prevent buildup of liver scarring)

Things to do when your drinking

– Drink lots of water before, after and during your drinking morning/noon/night

– Don’t get Pissed

– Stick to the same drink(each different alcoholic beverage has a different affect on you these differences also carry over to the hangover and several different things in one makes it worse)

– And to you smokers out there nicotine will just add to your hangover so maybe you should just quit(yes I’am an anti smoker)

Thing to do the next morning

I decided for this I would have to take the question to the streets. But the internet doesn’t have streets just itself as The Information Super Highway so I asked the question in a poll at



The poll showed that water was the favorite remedy followed closely by the greasy breakfast and gatoraide. 

– Water is the winner and you should Drink lots of water before, after and during your drinking morning/noon/night

– Gatoraide/Poweraide these sports drinks do rehydrated you and restore lots of electrolytes that your system is going to need.

– The greasy breakfast has lots of anti-oxidantes that will help you get over the hangover a little faster but you really sohuld have alot of grease during the drunk since it can have the opposite effect on your liver.

– Sleep they say that time heals all wounds. I say it does to prefferably unconcious and unaware of the pain you in sleeping it off is by far the easiest by water down before you bed down for the night.


Now there are lots of remedies out there that people have tried over the years and searching the web is a good way to see them I would’nt try many of them but the theories behind some are interesting and yet disturbing as well. I have seen everything from drinking urine to fix the hangover to drinking 3 raw eggs with worchester suace to 1 guy who thought that the best hangover cure was to go skydiving the next morning. Personally I rely on the greasy breakfast followed by gatoraide but it falls down to what works for you .


Things to avoid during a hangover

Besides the obvious bright lights, loud noises, movement and getting out of bed here are a few things that you shouldn’t do.

– Coffee I really hate to admit this but coffee can just compound a hangover by making you more dehydrated. Caffeine mixed with Tylenol can actually be very harmful to your liver during a hangover together they can cause the enzyme that produces scarring on your liver to produce even faster.

– Drinking more to make the pain go away AKA the hair of the dog remedy it will make the pain go away whilst doing more damage then the pain returns with a friend and a bat.

– Painkillers can be good for a quick fix but Tylenols active ingredient can cause stomach bleeding and other side effect are accentuated with alcohol abuse. Iboprofen and Asprin are bad for your stomach during a hangover also.


Well I hope that this will be helpful for everyone and remember drink responsibly and never drink and drive.



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