Steam Whistle Pilsner

Steam Whistle

Steam Whistle

Steam Whistle

Steam whistle is a %5.0 pilsener that is brewed by the Steam Whistle brewing company in Toronto, Ontario, at the historic roundhouse. The roundhouse is where many of the steam engines that helped conquer the prairies and Rocky mountains. They only brew one beer and one beer alone. There slogan is we do one thing really well and they do this is a quite refreshing beer with a good crisp and clean taste; with no real aftertaste. Overall it is a good beer, that goes well with BBQ’s and it is a great cottage beer. If the commercials are to be believed the founders of the company started up after they were let go from a macro brewery and hired a master brewer from Europe. Bet ya some real money that, that brewer is kicking themselves since they probably lost a good chunk of market share.

Country: Canada

Type: Pilsener

Alcohol: %5.0

Rating: 9/10




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