
Kokanee Beer


Kokanee Beer

Ok another good Canadian Beer it is widely available all over Canada and a good portion of the U.S. Columbia brewery began brewing its beer in 1959 and has to this day been based in Creston, British Columbia. After being purchased by Labatt’s in 1974 Kokanee stayed the same it’s still brewed in Creston and is still brewed using glacier water. Kokanee is also another name for Sockeye Salmon and thats where the name originated. Ok histroy lesson and random facts done on to the beer. Kokanee is a %5.0 Pilsener style Lager yes when I checked that confused me to but its a whole subset of beer I learn as I do. It has a cool refreshing taste with a bit of a hoppy flavour to it. I drank this out of a can in the dark so I can’t really say what the colour is but it has abit of a hoppy aroma. It’s a pretty good beer so I would give it a try.

Country: Canada

Type: Lager

Alcohol: %5.0

Rating: 7/10



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