DAB Original

DAB Original

Dab Original

DAB Original

Ok I’am not going to even try to spell out or ever pronounce the actual name of this beer. In the wisdom of the ages the brewers simply abreviated it on the label themselves. DAB is a %5.0 lager that is smooth as glass now I’ve been drinking light beer lately and this is the first regular beer I’ve had in to weeks. I dont know if it was just the change or what but this beer was refreshing as a glass of water ofter a a trek through the desert. It has a clean crisp taste with a tiny bit of a hoppy aftertaste but start to finish it was good. My favorite beer is Tiger beer as previously stated. This beer is as good as Tiger in my opinion so high marks it gets using that as a benchmark.

Country: Germany

Type: Lager

Alcohol: %5.0

Rating: 10/10



Barside Beer Reviews