



Carlsberg is a beer from Denmark and is brewed on a Royal Warrant. The brewery opened up in 1847. Their main brand is Carslberg Beer, but the company has many others that we all have heard of through subsidiaries and such. Like Tuborg, Tetleys and a couple of others. Carlsberg is a %5.0 percent Lager. That has a clean crisp taste I cant tell you what the smell is like because of 2 reasons. 1 the painters where in my apartment today and I can only smell paint fumes. 2 its ragweed season and I’am lucky to smell the paint fews. Carslberg has a nice golden colour to it and a bit of a metalic aftertaste to it. It also has a little bit of bitterness to it but its not alot like the Sgt. Major India Pale ale. overall its a pretty good beer.

Country: Denmark

Type: Lager

Alcohol: %5.0

Rating: 8/10




Bardise Beer Reviews