Sleeman’s Steeped Coffee Ale

Steeped Coffee Ale

Sleeman’s Steeped Coffee Ale

Steeped Coffee Ale

I will preface this with I do not like cold coffee I so this will probably go about how you will expect. I picked this up on the way home to see how it tasted and I was expecting a subtle coffee flavour or after taste, but I got more of a cold coffee that’s been reheated to many times.

It’s a %5.0 Ale with a dark amber almost brown colour it does have a nice start and the coffee aroma is not over powering. But the cold coffee ground finish was overpowering. This very well might be good for you if you enjoy iced coffees or cold coffee but it wasn’t for me.

Country:              Canada

Alcohol:                %5.0

Type:                     Ale

Rating:                  5/10